Microbial Taxonomy & Species Identification

Microbial taxonomy began in the second half of the 19th century. At that time, it was mainly a simple classification based on phenotypic markers, physiological and biochemical characteristics. Later, the emergence of DNA-DNA molecular hybridization and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis methods brought great convenience to microbial classification and identification. Nevertheless, these methods still have some limitations, and the arrival of the genome era has brought new ideas for microbial classification and species identification, and has made important breakthroughs in accuracy and reliability.

Microbial community composition histogram on phylum levelFig.1 Microbial community composition histogram on phylum level. (Liu Y, et al. 2019)

Application Filed

There are numerous applications for microbial taxonomy and species identification in a variety of different fields, and Creative Biogene has extensive experience in the following,

Application of microbial taxonomy and species identification – Creative Biogene

Service Offering

Taxonomic analysis, Creative Biogene sorts the sequences into each OTU according to the similarity of their base composition. When performing taxonomic analysis, first, compare each high-quality sequence with the SILVA database to find the species information that is closest and has the credibility of more than 80%. Then, all sequences in each OTU are compared to find out the species information of the closest ancestors with different sequences in the same OTU. Finally, the results are recorded in a table file.

Community structure composition histogram, statistical analysis methods can be used to observe the community structure of samples at different classification levels. When the community structure analysis of multiple samples is put together for comparison, the variation can also be observed. The results are usually presented in the form of a more intuitive histogram, and the analysis of community structure can be carried out at any classification level.

Tool Used

Analytical tools used in our microbial taxonomy and species identification service include mothur software, SILVA database, and other related tools.

Turnaround Time

In general, our turnaround time is 2-6 weeks depending on the size of your project.

Advantages of Our Services 

  • We have rich experience in microbial taxonomy and species identification analysis.
  • We can combine the demands of customers, and negotiate to determine the content of services.
  • We provide fast turnaround, high quality analysis reports at competitive prices to our global customers.
  • We regularly accept audits from our customers to ensure that we meet their high standards.

The quality of species identification is directly related to the success of downstream statistical analysis and functional verification. Creative Biogene's microbial taxonomy and species identification service is excellent in speed, accuracy and sensitivity. You can choose us with confidence.

If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Liu Y, et al. (2019). "Shift of the microbial communities from exposed sandstone rocks to forest soils during pedogenesis." International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 140: 21-28.
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