
Heatmap can reflect the data information in a two-dimensional matrix or table by colors. Each small square in the figure is a numerical value, and the size of the data value can be intuitively represented by the defined color shade. The data is often clustered for abundance similarity between species or samples as needed, and the clustered data is displayed on the heatmap. The species with high and low abundance can be grouped in blocks, and the similarity and difference of community composition of multiple samples can be reflected by color gradient and similarity degree.

Since reading numbers requires thinking and comparing, a wide range of sensory impressions cannot be formed, and the heatmap uses color shades instead of data tables to make many regular results more obvious. Moreover, the heatmap displays a large amount of microbial abundance data in a very small area, which can not only quickly compare the changes between groups, but also show the abundance of each sample in the group and the repetition between samples in the group. It is easy to dig out the rules. Combining the clustering results makes the results of the whole experiment clearer and easier to interpret.

Heatmap was clustered based on the microbial community similarityFig.1 Heatmap was clustered based on the microbial community similarity. (Zhou Z, et al. 2018)

Application of Heatmap

The heatmap is widely used in the field of biology, and the sample-OTU relative abundance matrix is very suitable for heatmap presentation. For example, in the downstream analysis of 16s rDNA, generally based on the species annotations and abundance information of all samples at the genus level, select the top 35 abundance species, cluster them at the species and sample levels and draw them into a heatmap. It is convenient to discover which species are clustered more or less abundantly in the samples.

Service Offering

Our services in terms of heatmap include,

  • Data processing and analysis
  • Drawing of the heatmap
  • Other customized services you require

Tool Used

Analytical tools used in our heatmap service include the R language tool, and other related tools. The figure can be customized to two or more color gradients, and the clustering branches between samples and species can be customized to draw.

Turnaround Time

In general, our turnaround time is 2-6 weeks depending on the size of your project.

Advantages of Our Services 

  • We have a professional team of experts who can conduct personalized bioinformatics analysis.
  • We provide fast turnaround, high quality analysis reports at competitive prices.
  • We have a well-established quality management system.

Creative Biogene is a forward-looking research institution in the field of the heatmap. We use advanced analysis platforms to provide you with results of good reproducibility. The service we offer is excellent in speed, accuracy and sensitivity. You can choose us with confidence.

If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Zhou, Z, et al. (2018). "Molecular analysis of oral microflora in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome by using high-throughput sequencing." PeerJ. 6: e5649.
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